这一天一大早起身梳洗完毕,就边看戏边等朋友来载。等呀等的,竟然已到了午餐时间,他才到来 =.=“
吃完午餐,雨还是不停的下,心中不禁在想,是不是这一次的旅程就要泡汤了。还好朋友们都坚持说要去,说或许去到那边雨就停了下来,我想他们是不忍心看我失望的表情,才一直说要去 :P
虽然这一次是与Kim 和 Jack 第二次见面,但不会觉得生疏,一路上吵吵闹闹,让回到新加坡的我不禁想念那一刻的时光、想念他们。
虽然这一次是与Kim 和 Jack 第二次见面,但不会觉得生疏,一路上吵吵闹闹,让回到新加坡的我不禁想念那一刻的时光、想念他们。
我没拍什么照片,因为那边真的很肮脏,没什么好拍 :P
过后我们就去吃 Kim所说好好吃的酿豆腐,味道还不错的说。那一条街很有外婆家 ~~ 十八丁的味道。
我没拍什么照片,因为那边真的很肮脏,没什么好拍 :P
过后我们就去吃 Kim所说好好吃的酿豆腐,味道还不错的说。那一条街很有外婆家 ~~ 十八丁的味道。
当我们开始启程回家时已将近晚上九时多了。可是,才开车没多久时,Jack竟然被他喜爱的食物~~ 蚌引诱去了,到了一家在路旁的嘛嘛档吃蚌去了。所以真正到达吉隆坡已是凌晨十二点多了。
omg... i.. i.. i... i see nth~~~~~
see nothing then good...hehe...
but..i see something.wahaha...
Good trips :P
你終于去到囖,有留下“到此一游”的紀念嗎? :P
crab crab,
u see something?? i fat jor right??
>.< i want keep fit..i want slim slim..
if nt later CNY nt pretty liao...
yaya..finally i went...
但,很多都不好看的 >.<
wah, from photo y u also look round round d? i din c wrongly hor? haihzzz, somebody have challenger liao. Become competitive market liao ....
no no no...i saw something more interesting than ur body figure,ha!
i think what i saw is same as bc didi.haha...
gambateh yoh!
u fat jor ar? they also say i round wor. T_T
but u shorter than me so cant round than me,else jialat de,haha...
(paisei,long time didnt pijak u liao:P)
y always say ppl round round de.
u really want "hai" nie har?
no eyes see u liao,kakaz..
wait for nie back to "bantai" u.HA!
i really bcm round round liao..
bt i dont want..so i want to keep fit keep fit >.<
crab crab,
nw u stay so far still want to pijak me??
hng,i will slim back de..cz i dont want round round n short short...
round round gv it to u..
short short gv it to bc..hehe...
wat u saw i dont know woh..
dont know wat u all talking about.. :P
bt want to tell u both 1 thing...
dont think too much..
simple is the best..yeah!!
yaya... simple is the best
we believe wat we see nia... hohoho~
i...i... only say wat i observe ma>< o i zip :X
Yup as simple as that. U n challenger 1 ....ahem... then pity axxxx cry at the corner....
haihzz Pity axxxx ask him act fast dun wan, like to drag n drag n darg... haihzz. Lost one crab liao now even hahihzz no eye c liao.
i will prove that u all think too much...buka kamu punya mata besar besar n tengok betul betul :P
ning ning...wahahaha...
bad yun yun,
u laugh wat at thr??
jz know hw to laugh also dont wan tto explain for me...bad.. >.<
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